Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Uterine Fibroids and Excess Estrogen Production


 look inside
  Excess estrogen production can create an imbalance of estrogen in your body. To much estrogen causes belly fat, water retention, and hormonal problems. Excess estrogen can feed a fibroid tumor.  Fibroids are part of the uterine wall, like a balloon, that grows inside the uterus like a baby. It may cause symptoms such as pain, abnormal bleeding, and your stomach can make you look your pregnant. Normally not cancerous and with some women are not much of a problem. Until they grow large, they can make women miserable. One way to reduce Uterine Fibroids and Excess Estrogen Production is to correct the excess estrogen problem.

 Natural progesterone cream can help balance estrogen imbalance. You need to have your estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid hormones evaluated by doctor first. You need to find out if your system is imbalanced so you can correct it properly. A woman doctor maybe more apt to issue the tests. Some male doctors don't understand the female body and emotions. Look to find a holistic female doctor to help you. 

Your diet can play a big role in excess estrogen production. Cut out dairy unless it is organic, and red meat unless it is organic. Cattle are feed estrogen so that they gain weight more rapidly. This estrogen builds up in the meat and milk. This adds to your excess estrogen production. Goats milk does not have that problem. Organic red meat, chicken, and milk is much better for you. Caffeine stimulates estrogen production.

 Exercise can help your body to get rid of excess estrogen and is very helpful in a fibroid reduction program. If your Uterine fibroids are large, be careful when performing stomach exercises by machine or at home.  Larger ones can start bleeding. This exercise puts pressure on abdominal muscles which puts pressure on the Uterine fibroid. It is like a balloon that can leak with pressure exerted on its sides.  You could end up in the emergency room trying to perform abdominal exercises. Walking is great.  Stress may also stimulates excess estrogen production. Following are remedies which may be effective in shrinking or eliminating fibroid tumors as well as alleviating discomfort and symptoms:

Fibroids can be reduced by consuming at least three servings of whole grains and/or beans daily. Whole grain and beans also protect against breast and endometrial cancer.

Eliminating excess estrogen will result in shrinking fibroids. Dandelion, milk thistle, and yellow dock help to metabolize estrogen from the body.

Chasteberry tincture is often used successfully to shrink and prevent the return of fibroids. It reduces excess estrogen, balances hormones, and reduces inflammation. However, results often only become apparent after several months of usage. The dosage is 25 to 30 drops two to four times a day.

Additional herbs effective in treating fibroids include black cohosh, Siberian ginseng, red clover, goldenseal, red raspberry, licorice root, dong quai, and motherwort, can help uterine fibroids and excess estrogen production.

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