Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hormone Therapy Can Treat Uterine Fibroids Symptoms

  Hormone Therapy Can Treat Uterine Fibroids Symptoms

 Hormone Therapy Medications can be used as a short term therapy, remedies intended to minimize the symptoms resulting from fibroids or similar gynecological disorders.Targeting hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle, by stopping the ovary's usual hormonal cycle and lowering estrogen levels. These medications have proven effective to treat symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pressure for many women. Although they will not eliminate uterine fibroids, The size of the fibroid may decrease and accordingly reduce symptoms. Some of these medical hormone therapy can treat uterine fibroids symptoms will include:
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 Androgens a male hormone. They occur naturally in women in smaller amounts than men. They are produced by the ovaries, located above your kidneys. Given as medical therapy, androgens can alleviate uterine fibroid symptoms by stopping menstruation, resolving anemia, shrinking fibroid tumors and reducing uterine size.Some unpleasant side effects, may occur such as weight gain, dysphoria, anxiousness,acne, headaches,feeling depressed and unwanted hair growth and a deeper voice.

 Oral contraceptives have generally prescribed as a form of birth control. Progestin contained in the contraceptives has a positive affect for many women with uterine Fibroids, by decreasing the growth of fibroids, can lead to a reduction of symptoms. This kind of therapy can be taken relatively long term and can helps control menstrual bleeding, but does not reduce fibroid size. Progestin-releasing intrauterine device IUD For uterine fibroids that don't distort the inner uterus, a progestin releasing IUD is another effective option. A progestin-releasing IUD works as a long term birth control and similarly to an oral contraceptive provides symptomatic relief for fibroids. This birth control device may relieve heavy bleeding, pain and pressure. However, this treatment will not shrink fibroids or remove them.

   Gonadotropin-releasing hormone is a naturally occurring hormone which triggers menstruation for women. A control center in the brain called the hypothalamus manufactures gonadotropin-releasing hormone. It stimulates the ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone. When taken as therapy. A gonadotropin-releasing hormone medications can produces the opposite effect to that of your natural hormone. Estrogen and progesterone levels fall, menstruation typically stops, uterus fibroids often shrink and anemia can improve.This is how hormone therapy can treat uterine fibroids symptoms.

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